Wednesday, April 13, 2011

" The Lord thinks of me"!

" I am poor and needy but the Lord thinks of me!" Psalms 40:17

I just find that's exactly what I need to hear!!! But no only hear it, but ponder about it ,make it mine! The Lord of the universe,the maker of heavens and earth is thinking about me! I am poor and needy but the Lord loves me. He cares about me.

Do I realise how great is th God I serve? Do I realise how important I am to him?
He is never too bussy,or running out of time,He is here always willing, wanting thinking about me.

I may think I am poor and needy,but with God I am rich . I am rich of his love,his grace,his understanding, his caring, desire for my well being.

The Lord think of me,he cares about me and that' enought to live throught the day!!!