Friday, June 15, 2012


Little drama

God is good all the time. And he always prepares us for what we can handle even though we acknowledge it or not.
I came in telling God I love him and I rest my bag on the table and the handle of the bag hit my beautiful candle holder, gift from a friend. I could  be me mad at myself, call me name, cry and be sad. But I keep telling God that I love him more than the candle holder. So I choose to keep been grateful instead of letting go to my wanting to cry and cry over my lost.
God can give  me a nicer one.
I do not need to change mood due to my circumstances.
I can hold on to Jesus even in my mess
I can like and object, but still it’s an object and I can move on even I am sad and I do tot no dwell in my sadness
I can regret it, but choose to learn from it
I can acknowledge that in every circumstances God have something to teach me.
I can choose to smile and embrace the moment; yes Lord I’d really like this candle holder but…

What did you learn through your little dramas of life today?

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

The mood of the day

Have you ever start a day knowing that this day will be just okay? You wake up in the morning with a wonderful song , and since every thing seems to go your way.  You just know that this day is gonna be wonderful, you even perform one or two little dance step while walking!!!!

Sometimes it really does!!!!! But other time life seems...,it...., it's just that next minute every things that could possibly go wrong  start going wrong and wrong and wrong and that's the end of a so good day!
Really!!!! OOHhhhhh!

Am I steel happy and blessing this day?!
Am I steel confessing that this day is the day the Lord has made and I'm gonna rejoice and be glad in it?

Yes I will, I pray that I am. And I will be because the center of my life is Christ. He is my joy. My happiness is not due to a sense of a good day ahead but to the maker of the day. The one  who never change, the one who said I can have joy no matter what are my circumstances. Because he his good and he is God.

Prayer of the day :

Jesus you are the center of my life. This day is wonderful and will be no matter what happens. Because you are the reason of my joy.


Friday, January 27, 2012


People keep shockingly shocked me. Always, every time,  anyway and not always in a good way!

I can overhear a conversation and be shocked by the words use. Someone could be talking to their self and I can be horrify by their words. I can watch an advertisment and by shock by what they are promoting or the way the do it.

Sometimes I ask myself, am I to sensitive? Am I over reacting? Those words are used every day! They are common now!?
But I can let someone insult me will talking to me!? I can't just  say amen to everything!?

I realize that keeping being shock make my accountable to God. Why should I use a language that he would not have used! Why should I say degrading words like's normal? Just because it's fashion, just because every body 's using them!?
No. I live by higher standards. No need to do like the world. And definitely I won't do what HE would no have done!

To talk nicely and having good manners is not fashionable, it's not worldlike, BUT it's definitely CHRIST-LIKE!
I want to live like Christ, I want to honour him in plain sight and when I am unseen. I want my words to always glorify him, and lift up others. I want to talk how he would have, act like he would have act and live a life that honour him in every thing and every way.

" Whatever you do or say, do it as a representative of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through him to God the father." Colossians 3: 17

How do you react to the bad words people use in conversation around or with you?


Thursday, January 26, 2012

Crazy in love

I'm crazy in love with my God!

Knowing that God loves me change my life for ever. I do not need to be perfect. I do not need to stress about appearances, and definitely I am allow to make mistakes. I can be me, imperfect Lys loved by a perfect God.

I can now just breathe and be me!

Because I am loved , I want to walk in his shoes, to be like him. I am on my way to perfection, but in his eyes I am already.

Do you know that kind of love that give you wings and make you smile as daybreak? The kind of love that says you are well able. His love makes me feel secure and I know every thing is OK. No matter what?!

I just can't help but love him. I am crazy in love with my Jesus! Life is sweet when you do not need to worry about anything else then how can I say today, I love you to your heavenly father. How can I  demonstrate that I love him? Any little or big thing that matters to him,matters to me. Even a smile to a stranger says I love you Jesus.

I love because he loves me first. " 1 John 4:19"

Being thankful

Am I thankful?
I mean am I really thankful for all God's doing for and in my life?

I am not so sure...
I think I am (sometimes...) even  ungrateful...

Yes I praise him for the big miracles but often the little ones go unseen. I have an habit of telling him that I must be his most ungrateful daughter ...Lol.. Always late to say thanks, but on time to ask and ask and ask again and enjoy!

I know that his does not really need my thanks. He will not change towards me whether I say thank or not.
But I need to praise him. It keeps my eyes on the giver of the blessings and to the blessings, it keeps me  focus on his kindness towards me. It keeps me in constant relation with him, it keeps me away of his world.

Because there is always a little something to be grateful about! Even when I refuse to see or admit it!
His love is gentle, what's saying thanks if it brings a smile on my heavenly father's face every second of each day?

That's what I am living for!

Thank you Jesus for this beautiful morning.
Thank you for this beautiful song , when I open my eyes today.
Thank you that I got my bus and train in time.
Thank you that I did not get a sit on the sub even thought I'd pray for it.
Thank you for the people I prayed for that will never know it.
Thank you for you joy.
Thank you for being God in my life.
Thank you...

What can you thanks God for right now, at this moment?

Anything, every thing HE is worthy of our praise.

"Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you who belong to Christ Jesus." 
1 Thessalonians 5 :18


Wednesday, January 25, 2012

God's names

• El Shaddai : God Almighty.

• El Elyon : The Most High God.

• El Olam : The Everlasting God.

• Yahweh Jireh (Yireh) : The Lord will provide.

• Yahweh Nissi : The Lord is my Banner.

• Yahweh Shalom : The Lord is Peace

• Yahweh Sabbaoth : The Lord of Hosts.

• Yahweh Maccaddeshcem : The Lord your Sanctifier.

• Yahweh Ro’i: The Lord my Shepherd.

• Yahweh Tsidkenu : The Lord our Righteousness

• Yahweh Shammah : The Lord is there.

• Yahweh Elohim Israel : The Lord, the God of Israel.

• Adonai : Majesty.

He is all that to me and so much more!
His name is sweet like honey, it is the sweetest above all, his name  breakes down the enemy walls.His name brings peace to my soul and make me smile and be joyful.
His name means victory to me.
At the whisper of his name my heart pound and my world get back to track. His name means freedom and strength tome. For me it is victory, love and wholeness.
His name...
His name...
His name...
His name is all this and so much MORE.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

The Joy of the Lord is my strength.


Can the joy of the Lord really be my strength? When I am overwhelmed by this world? When nothing seems to go my way? When life itself is tired with me?

"The Joy of the Lord is My Strength " Nehemiah 8:10

How can those words by true?

I keep believing the bible is true. If the hole word is true then Nehemiah is also?!
There is no lies or portion that's false. All are true.

So...If my GOD says his joy is to be my strength. His joy is my strength. I take his word! I do not need to feel it for it to be true. His joy can really strengthen me when I take my eyes out of me and look to him.

Robin Dance says that " Life is not about my circumstances."

What ever happens in this world or in my life can't take my joy away or deprive me from my strength! I can live joyful because I live for a higher purpose! I keep my eyes on the price. I remind myself that I am just passing on this earth. Here and now is not my destination. It's not my city, I am not home yet, but I can have a joyful journey , no matter what come my way! I can be strong and rejoice!

Keep on rejoicing in the Lord at all times. I will say it again: Keep on rejoicing! Philippians 4:4


Monday, January 23, 2012

Taking things into my hands

" Compromise is the pen that writes the story of your future regrets" Robb Thompson

Random thinking

Why gorgeous and beautiful princesses of the Lord are still single?

I can picture the dream life , a gorgeous husband, beautiful children, me doing the washing  up, him doing the laundry ( yes I want an 21st century guy,no macho!) toddlers and ...I do not really like animals but  a dog in the back yard look great in the picture!...


I have see people take things into their hands....

Only to finish by breaking  the Lord principles, with one or two babes but no guy. Did I mention the broken heart  and the  pain that separate them even more from God and others..
Bitter and disappointed...

But I have also see people who let's it into the Lord hands...

They trust HIM and enjoy this wonderful life that he promises.

Is not the GOD who said " For I know the plans I have for you,declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.  "(ref Jeremiah 29:11),great enough to provides in any matter? Even heart one's?

The lord is more then enough! He has to.

I prefer a single and childless life, with the joy of my Lord then the broken heart and separation from him!

He his really more then enough!!!!

I must stay focus on my main propose on this earth : Bring a smile on my father face!

Yes I am not like all my friends,yes life is not perfect, BUT yes the Lord is faithful in all his ways and in every things and every time!

He has always been more then enough . He IS more then enough. He will be more then enough!
What can the world give to someone who has every thing already?

" She laugh at the time to come...and because she feared the Lord she shall be praise." Proverb 31: 25-30


Wait upon the Lord

Wait upon the Lord,

God is the Lord of great blessings. He really answers when we ask him. But we wait for great blessings to come easily. YES we are made for marvelous and miraculous life! But the other one do not want us to enjoy it.
So when great difficulties come ,just wait. Wait upon the Lord. Surely our deliverance is near and great blessings to come. We are being enlarged to go forward. Our difficulties builds our  character and are for his glory.

" Be glad for all God is planning for you." 
