Tuesday, January 31, 2012

The mood of the day

Have you ever start a day knowing that this day will be just okay? You wake up in the morning with a wonderful song , and since every thing seems to go your way.  You just know that this day is gonna be wonderful, you even perform one or two little dance step while walking!!!!

Sometimes it really does!!!!! But other time life seems...,it...., it's just that next minute every things that could possibly go wrong  start going wrong and wrong and wrong and that's the end of a so good day!
Really!!!! OOHhhhhh!

Am I steel happy and blessing this day?!
Am I steel confessing that this day is the day the Lord has made and I'm gonna rejoice and be glad in it?

Yes I will, I pray that I am. And I will be because the center of my life is Christ. He is my joy. My happiness is not due to a sense of a good day ahead but to the maker of the day. The one  who never change, the one who said I can have joy no matter what are my circumstances. Because he his good and he is God.

Prayer of the day :

Jesus you are the center of my life. This day is wonderful and will be no matter what happens. Because you are the reason of my joy.


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